We know that it is the dose to make the poison. Products or miracle potions do not exist. The right alchemy lies in the dosage, and also in the case of misuse or excessive chili does absolutely fine. It can be irritating and inflammatory disorders causing severe ulcers and gastritis. Obviously, it is also not recommended if you are pregnant. However, when used with common sense can be found in the chili a food rich and exceptional healing properties also.
It is probable that the quantity of vitamins and minerals contained in 100g of chilli, differentiate from variety to variety but especially from species to species. So, in our opinion, establishing the quantity without specifying species or variety, remains a too vague concept. However, we report below a table with the nutritional values released by USDA on 100g of raw red chilli.

The properties of chili are varied and in many cases really interesting.
All or nearly so, is constituted by the Capsaicin, an alkaloid derived from nitrogen fixation with other chemical elements which is mainly concentrated in the placenta, the white fabric and parchment attached on the inside of the fruit. Capsaicin is the basic element of chili peppers, responsible for "burning", but also the most beneficial effects. However, the chili is also an excellent source of vitamin A, B, C and E with minerals like molybdenum, manganese, folic acid, potassium, thiamin, and copper. It is one of the foods with the highest content of vitamin C, important for the proper functioning of the immune system. It is rich in carotenoids, which exert protective effects against various diseases due to the neutralization of free radicals. Pepper are due a potent vasodilator and the ability to thin the blood by improving and stimulating blood circulation. The high antioxidant content helps reduce cholesterol due to diseases such as atherosclerosis, strokes, heart attacks and other heart diseases. Vitamin B6 and folic acid reduce the high level of homocysteine ??protecting the capillaries and blood vessel walls. It also helps to relieve arthritic pain in the extremities through the use of poultices or ointments. Capsaicin is able to stimulate the appetite, increase the secretion of mucus and gastric juices aiding digestion, detoxifying and is also antifermentative intestine (carminative). It has an antibiotic effect because it stimulates the production of white blood cells or white blood cells that thanks to their intervention, the human body has a better immune response defending himself from the attacks of hostile microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. In the case of smoking, it helps to clear the lungs, as it dilates the airways by reducing asthma and wheezing. Cigarette smoke contains benzopyrene which destroys vitamin A in the body. The vitamin A present in chilli reduces inflammation of the lungs and emphysema caused by cigarette smoking. For people who suffer from diabetes the consumption of a small amount of chilli in the course of a normal meal is able to effectively control insulin levels. The levels of insulin needed to lower the blood sugar may fall by 60% in the following hours. Contrary to what many people believe, but it does not cause hemorrhoids cure due to its high healing power and vasodilator. However, we recommend moderation and prudence for its irritating action on the anal mucosa. In the United States, have studied the effect of capsaicin in vitro and were able to demonstrate that capsaicin strongly decreases the proliferation of prostate cancer cells in culture. However, there are no clinical trials were conducted on men. According to the author, Dr. H. Phillip Koeffler, Capsaicin activates a molecular pathway that leads to cell death (apoptosis), probably through a cascade of events that inhibits the release of the transcription factor NF-kappa B, which in many tumor cells promotes survival. This is of fundamental importance to block tumor growth, since precisely the tumors are characterized by an uncontrolled growth of cells. It is not advisable to indiscriminately increase the consumption of chilli seen that have not yet been investigated in clinical trials in humans. The presence of capsaicin, very high in so-called hot peppers, is measured by the Scoville scale. In sweet pepper, suitable for fresh consumption, there are 0 to 500 Scoville units of capsaicin in the variety Bhut Jolokia, you are reached 1,041,427 units. Curiosity: Vitamin C was discovered in 1921 just in the chiles from the Hungarian scientist Albert Szent-Györgyi de Nagyrápolt.
The ingestion of chilli too hot can cause a severe burning sensation in the mouth, throat and stomach. The burning sensation is a pulse alarm caused by capsaicin, an oil -soluble alkali, which in contact with mucous membranes, stimulates the vanilloid receptor TRPV1, receptors transduction of pain. The solutions to relieve pain are varied and customs differ from country to country. First, drinking water does not help since the capsaicin and the various capsaicinoids are not soluble in water, while easily dilute alcohol. However alcoholic beverages by diluting capsaicin with a solvent effect are likely to spread the burning even in areas not yet affected. The antidote for excellence is milk and dairy products (yogurt, cheese, ice cream, etc). In fact, the casein protein contained in the milk act as a detergent incorporating into their fat part capsaicin making it largely inefficient. Another valuable aid they give even the sugar, honey and bread. However, not only the very sugary or fatty foods help to alleviate the effects of capsaicin, but also acid-based. In fact, eating apples, tomatoes, etc, you can neutralize some of the activities of alkaline capsaicinoids partially attenuating their intensity. Is custom in Indonesia and Thailand to eat a cucumber. In Mexico sometimes is used lemon.